
Church President Reports Special Widow/Widowers Retreat

Church President Reports Special Widow/Widowers Retreat |  Church President Dr. Michael Balcomb reflects on his appointment to a leadership role one year ago. He thanks brothers and sisters for their patience and continual support. Dr. Balcomb also reports about a special retreat he attended for 14-15 widows and widowers of the Unification movement who gathered at a member’s home in Delaware. Several of the retreat attendees share their experiences at the retreat and their situation as widows/widowers. Add New Comments (4) | | Oct 06, 2013 10:02 Alice Cheney Boutte - Thank you, retreat organizers & Dr. Balcomb I am so glad such a gathering could finally take place for these widows and widowers who have been going such a lonely separate course in our strong "family" FF culture. Others cannot understand their course or even how to support them, and

True Mother's Hoon Dok Message on October 1st, 2013

True Mother's Hoon Dok Message on October 1st, 2013 | October 05 2013 October 5, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Yesterday, we received video messages, in Korean and also with Japanese subtitles, from True Mother’s October 1st Hoon Dok Hae service in Korea. At this point, we do not have an English version, but we do have some brief and inspiring notes taken from the occasion which are attached. Since many of our families do have Korean or Japanese-speaking members, I am sending out the links to these videos, together with the brief notes of True Mother’s speech, below. As you can see, she is reminding the world of the “Pilgrim Spirit” that was at the founding of this nation. 40 years ago, at Carnegie Hall and on the 21-city tour, our True Father appealed for a return to these same values. Korean Video Japanese Video Photos from the Day: October 1 Photos Full Translation of the Message Following are brief and unofficial notes in English: Hoon Dok Hae at the

The Historic Path We Walk as We Seek To Live the Truth

News Lovin' Life Ministries The Historic Path We Walk as We Seek To Live the Truth The Historic Path We Walk as We Seek To Live the Truth | July 20 2012 Rev. Michael Jenkins July 15, 2012 Good morning, brothers and sisters. Please be seated. I want to thank Sonic Cult and Joe for their great work to develop our music and praise, and also Kennedy and Alexis, our professional singers, who are bringing such a great spirit. Let’s give them a hand. First, I want to thank God and True Parents, and especially our national president and senior pastor, Rev. In Jin Moon, for allowing me to be with you this morning. And I want to say hello to all the brothers and sisters in all 50 states and around the world: all our Unification family. Praise the Lord! Also I want to say a special hello to the American Clergy Leadership Conference leaders and volunteers throughout the nation. Thanks for your support and work for the clergy. I want to say a word of thanks from my

Suíça ameaça devolver dinheiro a brasileiros condenados

Suíça ameaça devolver dinheiro a brasileiros condenados Josette Goulart e Jamil Chade | Agência Estado Tags: caso Siemens propinoduto Suíça corrupção justiça política   -A A+ A lentidão da Justiça brasileira pode fazer com que cerca US$ 28 milhões que estão bloqueados na Suíça acabem retornando aos bolsos de condenados por corrupção, lavagem de dinheiro e quadrilha no caso que ficou conhecido como "propinoduto", que envolvia fiscais das receitas federal e estadual do Rio de Janeiro, entre eles Rodrigo Silveirinha - ligado aos ex-governadores Anthony e Rosinha Garotinho. As autoridades suíças enviaram um ofício ao governo brasileiro, datado de 17 de maio deste ano, cobrando uma definição d

Caso Amarildo não é a marca da UPP", diz o governador Sérgio Cabral

"Caso Amarildo não é a marca da UPP", diz o governador Sérgio Cabral Forças de segurança do Rio ocuparam o Complexo do Lins, na Zona Norte do Rio, neste domingo (6). Mais duas UPPs serão implantadas no conjunto de favelas REDAÇÃO ÉPOCA COM AGÊNCIA BRASIL 06/10/2013 14h09   - Atualizado em   06/10/2013 14h16     Kindle   in Share   O governador Sérgio Cabral durante conversa com jornalistas neste domingo (6) (Foto: Tomaz Silva/ABr) O governador do  Rio de Janeiro ,  Sérgio Cabral , disse neste domingo (6) que o sumiço do pedreiro  Amarildo de Souza , desaparecido desde 14 de julho, quando foi levado para a sede da Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP) da Rocinha, não deve ser tomado como a principal marca do projeto de pacificação das comunidades. A Justiça decretou na última sexta-feira (4) a  prisão preventiva de dez policiais militares  que trabalhavam na UPP da comunidade, incluindo o ex-comandante do grupo, major Edson Santos. “