
Mostrando postagens de outubro 1, 2013

Republicanos paralisaram o governo por questão ideológica, diz Obama

Republicanos paralisaram o governo por questão ideológica, diz Obama Presidente americano fez apelo para votação do Orçamento público. Impasse entre republicanos e democratas travou os serviços federais REDAÇÃO ÉPOCA, COM AGÊNCIA EFE 01/10/2013 15h04  - Atualizado em  01/10/2013 15h07     Kindle   in Share   Nuvens negras passam pelo Capitólio: centro legislativo americano é palco de batalha entre democratas e republicanos (Foto: Susan Walsh/AP) O presidente dos  Estados Unidos ,  Barack Obama , pediu nesta terça-feira (1º) aos republicanos que "reabram" a administração federal, que ficou parcialmente paralisada por causa da  não aprovação de um Orçamento no Congresso americano, e alertou que quanto mais tempo durar o fechamento "piores" serão seus efeitos. É a primeira vez, em 17 anos, que o Orçamento para o ano fiscal de 2014 deixa de ser votado no prazo.    >> Governo dos EUA entra em paralisação parcial Em referênc

STF arquiva inquérito que investigava Garotinho

STF arquiva inquérito que investigava Garotinho Deputado federal do PR era acusado de tentar "comprar" o controle do PTdoB REDAÇÃO ÉPOCA, ESTADÃO CONTEÚDO 26/09/2013 14h50  - Atualizado em  26/09/2013 14h50     Kindle   in Share   O deputado Anthony Garotinho na Câmara (Foto: André Coelho/Ag. O Globo) O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) determinou o arquivamento de um inquérito criminal contra o líder do PR na Câmara, Anthony Garotinho (RJ), que o investigava por tentativa de "compra" do controle político do PTdoB. A apuração tinha por objetivo descobrir se Garotinho teria cometido estelionato nas negociações que envolveram a disputa pelo controle do partido por dois grupos a partir da morte do ex-presidente da legenda Carlos Alberto da Silva, em outubro de 2004. >> O amigo invisível do Garotinho  O ministro Ricardo Lewandowski concordou com o parecer dado pelo ex-procurador-geral da República Roberto Gurgel de que não fo

Nigerian Unificationist Seeks to Become Church Theologian and Pastor | October 02 2013

Nigerian Unificationist Seeks to Become Church Theologian and Pastor | October 02 2013 Doghudje Doghudje with early church pioneers: Dr. Mose and Mrs. Onni Durst. Doghudje joined the church in the San Francisco Bay Area and became good friends with the Bay Area Family Church pastor, Kevin Thompson. Doghudge stands with his friend and matching advisor, Mrs. Robin Schywter. After church: From left is Robin Schwyter, Doghudje, Mr. Wildman and Poppy Richie. The following testimony from 32-year-old Nigerian Doghudje Doghudje describes his journey to find his core purpose in life and his discovery of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s teachings. I am originally from Lagos, Nigeria and am from a family of six, including my mother, father, three brothers and two sisters. I became interested in the Unification movement and its founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, because I was seeking God and the way forward for humanity in the 21st Century. I was also trying to understand myself and my core

True Mother's Message at the Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 8. 27 / Oct. 1, 2013)

g Gung (HC 8. 27 / Oct. 1, 2013) | October 06 2013 NOTE: The following information is the translation of the news posted on FFWPU Korea web site. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Parent's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi "October is the month of liberation and hope, isn't it? Today is the first day of October. Our daily life should be a life that we can proudly report in front of Heaven. I am always reporting to Heaven and that is my life. When I plan to do something, I report it to Heaven first, saying 'I am going to do this because of this and that reason. Please give me wisdom.' I am a mother, who won't be partial to one child. You know it, do you? Everybody knows it. You are really blessed. You are real

Women’s Fed Assembly to Meet in Maryland Oct. 26th

Women’s Fed Assembly to Meet in Maryland Oct. 26th | October 02 2013 Distinguished women leaders, Ambassadors for Peace, Unificationists and friends will convene in College Park, Maryland on Saturday October 26, 2013 to attend “Learn to Lead – Raising the Next Generation of Women Leaders,” the 21st Anniversary National Assembly of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) USA. The Thursday preceding the National Assembly (Oct. 24th), WFWP invites youth and young adults for “A Day of Service” from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to “Learn to Lead through Service” and to beautify the streets of Washington, D.C. The kick-off meeting is at 10:00 a.m. at the Metropolitan Police Department, 4th District, 4001 Georgia Ave, NW at the corner of Peabody Ave. Distinguished speakers will include Rev. Dr. John Davis (Pastor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church), Rev. Juanita Pierre-Louis (VP-WFWP), and Ms. Nandi Moton (Youth Education Leader). The following is the official invitational letter from WFW

OPINION: Don't Just Stop and Stare -- Say ‘Hello’

 Hi TONYGUIMARAES, Opinion Opinion OPINION: Don't Just Stop and Stare -- Say ‘Hello’ OPINION: Don't Just Stop and Stare -- Say ‘Hello’ | October 03 2013 The following opinion essay by Bruce Sutchar explores his experiences and understanding of homelessness and his desire to help others through service and the sharing of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s autobiography. I grew up in a nice, middle-class Jewish neighborhood on the north side of Chicago. The only poor people I ever met were the boys who would ask for a dollar to “watch our car” when we went to basketball games at the Chicago Stadium located in the rough, west side of the city. The only homeless people I ever saw were when I went downtown for a weekend excursion. In those days, people used to come to your door soliciting money for various charities. My parents did give to charity, but usually through the mail, by check, not to the solicitor at the door. When